When you have decided to buy a flat in Trivandrum the first thing that comes into mind is the price. Investors usually have a price in mind and they can pay up to 15% more (as per our research among prospective apartment buyers), provided they get more value or amenities than they had initially planned for.
When you are buying a new flat, you must take into account not only the square feet rates but also other charges like stamp duty, registration, car parking, water supply and electricity deposits, maintenance and amenity charges, plus additional cost for furnishing or interior decoration.
Pricing for flats works with different builders in different ways. Most builders start out on projects to make a projected return of 15 to 20% by the end of the project handover. Remember the builders liability ends only once the handover has taken place for a new project and the apartment association takes charge of maintenance. This usually happens about 3 to 6 months after project completion. Most developers would manage the property and premises until this handover happens. These costs could also be substantial for the builder depending on the size of the project.
You would have also noticed that builders roll out schemes like zero booking offer (no price on booking your flat) and pre launch prices which are about 10 to 15% lower than launch prices. Prelaunch offers can help developers build the initial funds needed to kick start a project. Usually once about 25% of the project is booked, the developers tend to increase prices by another 15%. Prices then tend to remain stable till about 75% of the project is booked when the developers have more or less achieved breakeven. After this point the customers do not have much negotiation power with the developers as prices would more or less be fixed and developers would be trying to maximize profit at this point.
Thus understanding the historical pricing is critical if you want to negotiate your prices and decide on the best price to pay for your flat. Experts like Nandanam Consultants with historical knowledge for a property helps customers pay ideal prices for apartment projects.
When you are buying a new flat, you must take into account not only the square feet rates but also other charges like stamp duty, registration, car parking, water supply and electricity deposits, maintenance and amenity charges, plus additional cost for furnishing or interior decoration.
Pricing for flats works with different builders in different ways. Most builders start out on projects to make a projected return of 15 to 20% by the end of the project handover. Remember the builders liability ends only once the handover has taken place for a new project and the apartment association takes charge of maintenance. This usually happens about 3 to 6 months after project completion. Most developers would manage the property and premises until this handover happens. These costs could also be substantial for the builder depending on the size of the project.
You would have also noticed that builders roll out schemes like zero booking offer (no price on booking your flat) and pre launch prices which are about 10 to 15% lower than launch prices. Prelaunch offers can help developers build the initial funds needed to kick start a project. Usually once about 25% of the project is booked, the developers tend to increase prices by another 15%. Prices then tend to remain stable till about 75% of the project is booked when the developers have more or less achieved breakeven. After this point the customers do not have much negotiation power with the developers as prices would more or less be fixed and developers would be trying to maximize profit at this point.
Thus understanding the historical pricing is critical if you want to negotiate your prices and decide on the best price to pay for your flat. Experts like Nandanam Consultants with historical knowledge for a property helps customers pay ideal prices for apartment projects.
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