Friday, the 16th of August was indeed a black Friday for sensex with stock indices tanking to record lows. As the investor looks for new avenues to grow his income, gold came to the rescue and gold prices soared to over 3100 per gram by the end of the day. These moves to asset classes such as gold, stocks and others are mostly heavily exchanged by short term investors who predict market movements. For long term investors with an investment span of five years or more real estate still remains a favoured asset class.
In the context of Kerala the astute real estate investor many of whom were waiting for the end of Karkidakam season and beginning of Chingam, are likely to be in for some good deals in the market. With some unsold inventory lying across various projects in Trivandrum, people who receive apt advice at appropriate times are likely to end up with good property decisions.
"More than 50% of customers who postponed decisions are now coming back to the market to book properties in the next 30 days owing to the auspicious time", remarks our CEO K Ramachandran Nair. There is also a spate of new launches in Trivandrum to usher in the festive season of Onam.
So what are you waiting for? Make use of this time period to get good deals in the property market and get good results for your long term investments.
In the context of Kerala the astute real estate investor many of whom were waiting for the end of Karkidakam season and beginning of Chingam, are likely to be in for some good deals in the market. With some unsold inventory lying across various projects in Trivandrum, people who receive apt advice at appropriate times are likely to end up with good property decisions.
"More than 50% of customers who postponed decisions are now coming back to the market to book properties in the next 30 days owing to the auspicious time", remarks our CEO K Ramachandran Nair. There is also a spate of new launches in Trivandrum to usher in the festive season of Onam.
So what are you waiting for? Make use of this time period to get good deals in the property market and get good results for your long term investments.